Awakening my inner submissive

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Sick Day

After struggling with what I thought was the super lame version of the office bug for a while, I woke up this morning with the mega-evil version. No voice. Coughing. Stuffed up. The works.

I called my boss to tell her I was sick, and I sounded so bad that I had to repeat myself about three times until she knew who I was and then twice to explain that I was sick. It was so much nicer calling in here than it was at Helljob. I only called in about three times over the many years I was there, and each time, they were hostile and uncaring. I always had nasal problems when I called in too, so it wasn't like I sounded fine. I always sounded like death, and they would just be like, oh. Great. Ok, bye. This time, I got a "oh no, sweetie, you sound terrible. I hope you feel better." It was nice.

So I chugged some Nyquil and went back to bed for a few hours. I'm currently sifting through my stuff on the TV and deciding whether to attempt to clean the house up or to rest. Luckily, I did a major clean up over the weekend, so it isn't too bad. Sir asked me to finish the laundry he started, so I might just finish that and get it all folded and put away.

Over the weekend, we also talked about revising my contract. He wrote it when I got my occasional long weekends and since I changed my hours, that won't really happen anymore. So I started to revise it, and got it almost done. It is just waiting his approval right now.

I went through and outlined expectations he has of me during the week, and added special ones for the weekend. We still need to go through it and talk about it all, but overall, I am pleased with it.

And I was so excited this morning to have my very first comment! Thank you, hispreciouspet!

And I added an email subscription on the right side of the blog. Enjoy!

Always His,

His Lady Aurora

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