Awakening my inner submissive

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Spring Cleaning...and sanitizing...

I think I am FINALLY on the upturn from this case of the plague I am currently harboring. After single nosed-ly finishing off every bottle of Nyquil, every box of tissues, every cough drop, and every nasal fixing pill we had, I am feeling semi-human again. I caved and went to the doctor yesterday for some serious cough meds, which I got, and picked up some tissues and some more decongestant. Plague--I'm coming for you.

We were supposed to go out to see Sir's parents this afternoon, but since I still sound terrible and Sir's grandparents were coming out too, we decided I should stay home and not get anyone else sick on the off chance that I am still contagious. Plus, feeling like absolute shit all week has not done much for keeping up with my contract. The house is a disaster. Sir cleaned a lot of it up yesterday while I napped/coughed myself into oblivion, which was so very nice of him. Plus, I think it was driving him insane. I wasn't hungry a few nights ago and he decided to make himself some eggs for dinner--then proceeded to ask me how to make them. And he used to cook! For a job! I have taken over certain things so much in terms of domestic life that he doesn't remember how to do them. I started laughing and then started coughing, then couldn't stop. Fantastic.

Today is Day 1 of 7. This Saturday marks the end of my birth control pills. Whoot.

Sir left me a list of things to get done while he is out today. They include taking a nap, folding laundry, and making a menu for this week. And watching my recorded crap on the TV. I think I can handle it. I can't wait until I am feeling better and can get started on my contract. I think we are going to go over it later, once he gets back, and then we can print and sign it. I'm so excited.

My chores await. So much TV, so little time.

Always his,


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