Awakening my inner submissive

Friday, March 7, 2014

Good Girl

Sir discovered (by accident) that I really like it when he tells me "good girl." He asked me to go bring him something from upstairs, and when I returned, item in hand, he smiled and said "good girl." I think he was joking, but he must have seen my face (I smirked, which usually means I like something but am embarrassed to verbalize that fact) and now he says it all the time, whenever I follow directions or do something for him.

On a side note, the prescription for birth control pills that I will be picking up this weekend will be my last. That's right. Holy crap. Holy crap. HOLY CRAP. Excited, nervous, terrified, anxious. Excited.

Today marks the end of my first official week in my new position at work. I have an answering machine. Not that anyone would really ever call me, but its there. I have learned so much this week, and I really only had two days of training because my trainer was out sick for most of the week. I also have a new mantra for the D bags (its a customer service job)--

I don't care what you think of me. I don't think about you at all.  --Coco Chanel.

This is the best possible way (in my book) of dealing with the irrationally angry people who cannot be reasoned with. They want to provoke a reaction, and since I don't really care about things that are not under my control (THEY screwed up, THEY were late, etc), I don't get dragged into their drama. Love this quote.

So excited for the weekend. Lots to do. I'm going to go clothes shopping for the first time in several years (yes, you read that right) to supplement my wardrobe. My mom took me shopping when I first left Helljob, but its kind of embarrassing to wear the same several outfits. Plus I am bad at fashion, since I never really had a need for it during my 4 years at Helljob. I love being able to dress up for work.

Here's to the weekend!

Always his,

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