Awakening my inner submissive

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


So yesterday morning, Sir let me sleep in because I felt very groggy and had a sore throat. Still dragged myself to work, and felt like I had run a marathon all day. Came home, passed out on the couch while Sir made dinner, was unable to eat anything, and went to bed around 5:30 last night. So that's about 12 hours of sleep...and I could totally go back to bed this morning. Alas, work awaits. I told Sir before he left that if I still worked at Helljob, I would be calling in today. But I think its just really bad allergies.

Unfortunately, the weekend was very...stimulating...and I keep having filthy dreams that I can't act on in real life because I don't want to get Sir sick too. Plus I'm tired etc, and Sir told me to rest so I don't drag this out longer than it needs to be.

Anyway. At least I have some excellent leftovers to take for lunch. I realized this morning that I basically didn't eat anything yesterday. I forgot my lunch and then was too tired to walk across the street and get something. But I wasn't I guess that's ok. I'm far too much of a glutton to starve myself.

In an attempt to get this out of my head, please enjoy the following description of my dream from two nights ago. I'll have to come back and revisit it once I'm feeling better.

***********wavy memory lines****************

Sir and I walk through a long corridor, vaguely reminsicent of Dracula's castle. It isn't, but its very dark, lit by candles, and the walls are stone. There is a masked ball going on and we proceed down endless hallways and up and down staircases until we are hopelessly lost. Another couple comes down the hall toward us, then stops and begins passionately kissing. The man pulls the woman's gown up and begins to touch her as she moans. Sir apparently decides this looks like fun and does the same to me.

Before I know it, Sir has pulled me into an empty room and we are kissing, touching, moaning against the walls, on the very fancy looking upholstered couch, on the bed, and then the other couple comes through the door. Everything stops...until the other man closes the door. His partner pulls him toward the bed and they continue--eventually having frantic, passionate sex right there in front of us.

Sir and I have been watching, because what else are we going to do, and Sir begins caressing me as we watch. And then he teases me, and I'm getting so wet, and then we are having sex too. Not in any way with the other couple, just right next to them. I can hear her panting and him groaning, and Sir is telling me I am a dirty slut for being so excited...


and then my freaking alarm went off and I woke up. DAMN IT.

Hope you enjoyed.

Always his,


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