Awakening my inner submissive

Friday, March 28, 2014

Our Contract

Following is a list of Possession’s promises, based on the previous contract and discussion with Sir.


General Guidelines

1.       I promise to submit to the will of Sir. I will accept His authority over me and will do my best to obey His commands. I will work hard to be obedient and to serve Him in every way.

2.       I will remember that I am a direct reflection of Sir and that, as such, I must behave and conduct myself in a manner that reflects positively on Him.

3.       My service and submission are a gift that I willingly choose to bestow upon Sir. I must always remember that He has authority over me and that my duties are to obey, serve, and please Him.

4.       Sir will not accept any shirking of responsibility or tolerate unfounded excuses. Any failures will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, to include assignation of punishments.

5.       When Sir and I are apart, I will strive to follow and obey all guidelines and expectations. I will report any misdeeds upon being reunited with Sir, and will accept any correction he gives.



1.       I will answer Sir in a respectful, pleasant tone at all times. I will not use bad language (sexual use excluded), especially the F word. I will not be short, rude, or demeaning to Sir.

2.       I will inform Sir immediately if I am ill, in a bad mood, upset with Him, or generally “not in the mood.” Such information is not a blanket cancellation, but rather information that Sir will use to possibly alter our plans. Final decisions are at his discretion.

3.       I will voice my opinion calmly and politely, knowing that Sir has ultimate authority. I am allowed to refuse only under dire circumstances.

4.       Requests, questions, and answers will be phrased in a submissive manner. “What would you like for dinner, Sir?” “May I go to bed now, Sir?” “Yes, Sir.”

5.       If I need to have an IMPORTANT DISCUSSION with Sir, I may temporarily revert to “vanilla mode,” understanding that Sir still has final authority. I may speak freely.


Clothing, Hygiene, and Health

1.       My clothing should reflect Sir’s high standards of taste. I may wear “gym clothes” when actively doing a workout.

2.       I will keep myself clean and ready for Sir’s use at all times. I will keep myself trimmed and/or shaved per Sir’s specifications.

3.       I will wear my hair down as much as possible at Sir’s request. I will not leave my hair pinned up overnight. I will consult with Sir prior to any hair cutting, as he prefers my hair to be long.

4.       I will take my thyroid medicine daily, as prescribed. I will take my vitamins daily, preferably with dinner. I will not mindlessly snack between meals, as my health is very important to Sir. I will set myself a daily workout plan and will keep track of each workout for Sir’s perusal.

5.       Treats are to be given at Sir’s discretion. This includes, but is not limited to, sweets, dessert, alcohol, and unhealthy foods (such as pizza). I may only indulge with Sir’s permission.




Domestic Housewifery

1.       It is my responsibility to create a weekly menu for Sir’s approval. I will endeavor to plan healthy meals and treats. I will keep the kitchen clean and organized.

2.       I may complete my chores as time allows during the week, with the expectation that they are all completed by noon on Saturdays, to allow full enjoyment of my weekends with Sir. See CHORES.

3.       Sir’s requests take immediate priority over my actions. I must obey quickly and efficiently.

4.       I will prepare dinner each night (unless otherwise instructed), taking care to keep the damage to a minimum.

5.       Upon leaving or returning to Sir, I will give Him a kiss and await further instruction. If Sir has no immediate need of me, he will inform me and I am free to complete whatever I need to do.



1.       It is my intention that Sir should not have to complete any domestic work unless he chooses to. This means that the house should be maintained in decent order, so that there will be no panic in the event of unannounced visitors and so that he may enjoy his days off.

2.       On a daily basis: random items will be picked up, dishes will be placed in either the sink or dishwasher, and cleaned as necessary. Countertops will be wiped down each evening. Sir’s coffee will be readied before we go to bed. The bathrooms will be kept free of clothing and toiletries will be put away, and the cat’s room will be taken care of. Sir may always request further upkeep. On a weekly basis: laundry will be done and put away, carpets will be vacuumed (twice), grocery shopping will be done, and general upkeep of the house will be done.

3.       Each morning, I should leave the house in as good of condition as possible so that Sir does not come to home to a mess.  After dinner, I should focus on keeping the kitchen in good condition.

4.       I will put Sir’s needs and desires above my own and will strive to obey quickly. I will learn and remember his preferences, endeavoring always to please Him. I will obey without question or needless delay.

5.       Should Sir ask for anything to be brought to him, I will get the item and then present it to him, placing it wherever he directs. I will then ask if he needs anything else.



1.       I will prepare Sir’s coffee each night before bed. I will get up with Sir and make breakfast, then complete my daily workout after he leaves for work. On his weekday off, I will do yoga or something else quiet to build elasticity.

2.       Upon my arrival home from work (providing Sir is home as well), I will put my purse etc. away neatly and greet Sir. I will await further instructions, and change out of my work clothes as quickly as possible.

3.       Before I start dinner, I should ask Sir if he needs anything. I should set the table at some point during dinner prep. I will attempt to give Sir at least five minutes of warning before bringing the plates to the table. Following the meal, I will remove the dishes and put away any leftovers, as well as pre-treat any large messes.

4.       I will clear the table when Sir has finished eating. I will get Him seconds of anything he wants. I will request seconds of anything I want, clarifying if I am still hungry or if this is a treat.

5.       I will ready myself for bed in the following manner: wash face, floss, brush teeth, use mouthwash, brush out hair (if it was up during the day), and ask Sir if I may wear pajamas. By default, I must sleep naked.


Sexual Usage

1.       I am Sir’s plaything. I should be ready at all times for his immediate use. If I do not wish to play, I should inform Him as soon as possible. I will not be embarrassed of my body or the verbal naming of its parts.

2.       My mouth, pussy, and ass are property of Sir and he may do whatever he wishes with them. Their only purpose is his pleasure.

3.       I may not masturbate without permission. I may not orgasm without permission.

4.       Sir and I will keep each other informed regarding our general levels of sexual excitement. This will assist in pleasurable encounters for both of us.

5.       I should remember that any orgasm I achieve is due to Sir’s generosity and should thank Him.  


Leisure Time

1.       After my chores and responsibilities are completed, I may do whatever activity I wish, while making sure Sir’s needs are met.

2.       Electronic devices (primarily my cell phone and computers) may only be used with Sir’s permission.

3.       I will ask for permission before scheduling activities with or without Sir. I will seek His approval prior to committing to any events.

4.       Sir would like me to enjoy myself on my days off. This means adequate planning so that I am not stuck doing chores during this time.

5.       I should keep Sir informed about my activities so that he is not inconvenienced.


Special Expectations for Weekends:



o   Upon rising, Possession will immediately use personal weights. These will be used throughout the day as a reminder of who Possession belongs to and what her purpose is for Sir.

o   Possession may wear jeans to work but should change into something more flattering upon her arrival home. Possession is forbidden to wear panties without permission for the entirety of the weekend, beginning with her arrival home on Fridays. This includes time spent away from the house.

o   Sir and Possession will designate a particular necklace to serve as a weekend collar. This will be worn in place of any other necklace as a physical and visual reminder that Possession is Sir’s property.


o   Possession is required to use SBP for one hour. This will be completed before noon. She will request permission from Sir to do this.


o   Possession is required to use SBP for one hour. This will be completed before noon. She will request permission from Sir to do this.


*****Exceptions will be made if social obligations conflict with the weekend expectations. Other exceptions will be made due to health or “lady” issues.

o   Possession is permitted and encouraged to offer suggestions to increase the enjoyment of both Possession and Sir.

o   Possession’s purpose is to please Sir. She is Sir’s Slut and Sex Toy. She is here only to please Sir. She is to make every part of herself available for Sir’s pleasure at all times.

o   If illness occurs that makes any part of Possession unavailable to Sir, Possession is to notify Sir immediately!

o   Possession will also acquiesce to any of Sir’s requests without question or hesitation, as it is not her place to question Sir or his desires for her.

o   Possession will only be permitted to use Fuck as a request of Sir.

o   Possession is required to ask Sir for permission before initiating any play.

o   Possession is forbidden to cum without Sir’s permission. She will request permission from Sir to do so. “Sir can I please/Sir please allow me to…” Failure to properly address Sir will be given no acknowledgement.

o   Possession will thank Sir for allowing her to cum.

o   Possession is also forbidden to please or touch herself without Sir present.

o   Failure to adhere to these instructions and guidelines will result in punishment for Possession.

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