Awakening my inner submissive

Friday, March 21, 2014

At least today is Friday...

Started off this morning with an aching back from having to essentially sleep sitting up in the spare room so my coughing doesn't wake up Sir. No voice. Coughing. Ugh.

Was able to drag myself downstairs after about 20 minutes, and got myself some coffee after that. The idea of eating breakfast sounded good, but I made eggs and they were suddenly absolutely nauseating. Frozen toaster strudel it is! And coffee. Breakfast of champions.

The only bright point in today is that today is Friday, and I can sleep this whole thing off over the weekend. Sir and I are getting takeout, so I don't needlessly contaminate the kitchen (not that I am contagious, but I mostly just don't feel like cooking), and I'm hoping this evening's schedule goes like this: come home, order and pick up dinner, watch an episode of something on TV, and be in bed by like 7. Hopefully to stay there until I feel better.

In other news, Sir started reading over my new contract. His first comment was "this sounds like a lot of work for you." Aww. Its really not, I told him. I do most of the things on there now, and I've been doing a test run (until I caught the plague). I noticed, he said.

Once we get a chance to properly go over it, print it, and sign it, I will update that section of the blog. It's much more detailed than our old one, which was set up specifically for my sometimes-long weekends.

I'm kind of impressed by the curative powers of coffee. I could barely speak this morning, my voice was so hoarse, and now I can mostly speak normally. Hopefully a day of answering my phone and talking to people doesn't trash it. As long as I lose my entirely after I walk out the doors, I'm good.

Get excited people. Let the countdown to the weekend begin!

Always His,

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