Awakening my inner submissive

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Slow steps

Yesterday was three days in a row at the gym. :) 

I have determined that the pedometer I wore at work the other day is horribly inaccurate. I mean, I am all for tacitly accepting the proposal that I did walk nearly 30,000 steps, but I feel like that is too much. I walk A LOT at work, but not quite that much. I feel like 20,000 is more accurate. I don't feel like shelling out 10-20$ for a new pedometer though. Oh well.

I have done well with my bedtime ritual over the past couple days. I got a new night cream a couple weeks ago and I think I can see a difference now. I need to switch back to my regular one in the mornings because the night cream has no SPF built in. Us pale people need our SPF!

Bloodwork came back. I do not have celiac disease, which is awesome. I think that leaves the fact that I am vaguely lactose-intolerant though. Must work to nail this down because I'm sick of feeling crappy after eating. My thyroid medication is allegedly keeping me in the zone. Not sure why my hair is thinning then, but I will be seeing a dermatologist in a few weeks so maybe she can help. If not, I will be seeing my doctor again to recheck my levels in a couple months, and maybe she can think of something else. I also need a haircut. My hair is getting too long and heavy again--making it look thinner than it is. The other blood tests came back good--my sugars are good, iron is good (thanks to vitamins), and the only "bad" things are my total cholesterol and my bad cholesterol (HDL or LDL, I can never remember). They are both only about 10 points above the good level, so I am not too far gone for fixing.

Dinners have been planned well recently, as per Sir's vegetable directive following the pseudo-appendix incident of last weekend. Yesterday's dinner was a recreation of a restaurant dish with mushrooms, onion, red pepper sauce, and chicken. So good. I used whole wheat pasta too, so that takes a little of the carb-phobia out.

I have an interview next week for a new job! I have a feeling that I will get this one. Not to jinx it. I had such a migraine from work today--two Aleve and a shot of vodka to wash it down. Kidding about the vodka. But it crossed my mind.

Sir and I watched Secretary with Maggie Gyllenhall last night. Overall, I was kind of disappointed at the portrayal of Lee as a crazy girl, but once she stopped cutting herself, I was more interested. Not that cutting yourself makes you crazy. I used to scratch myself  until not too long ago, and I don't think I am crazy. Lee's character just seemed so unsure of herself, so childish at times. Her posture in particular just screamed I HAVE NO SELF WORTH. I think it takes a strong person to be a submissive and I think she could have been written differently. I did like the last fifteen minutes where he tests her and leaves with instructions not to lift her feet.

Sir has made me a list of things to do on my next day off (!). He has never physically written out a list for me. I feel strangely excited. I think one thing I like about the idea of submission is the giving up of control to someone you trust. I have had trust issues with Sir at the beginning of our relationship (because I got screwed over by my ex, not anything Sir did), and I think this is the ultimate show of trust and respect.

Sir just wandered down into the basement with a funny look on his face. I asked him jokingly if he was working on something pervy (my code word for something D/s with him, since he is more vanilla than not still). He blushed and started smiling. Now I hear power tools, so either he was lying or I am in for some fun later.

Always his,

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