Awakening my inner submissive

Friday, August 30, 2013

A Day of Service

Yesterday was supposed to be my first day of "housewifery" since I don't start the new job until next week. I was going to go shopping with my Mom and then pick up a few things from the grocery store, hopefully beating Sir home. It ended up being an epic shopping-fest and I didn't make it through the door until almost 5:30. Sir was not upset, since he knows I needed new clothes, but I was upset because I had wanted to be home in time for him. He did comment that he was not expecting me to wear my skirt all day, and that he was impressed when I explained it was because he told me to be in a skirt when he came home and I wasn't sure if I would beat him there or not.

After a rushed dinner of breakfast potatoes and eggs, I was told not to forget my plug time for the evening. I made it through an hour and fifteen minutes before begging out. Today I need to wear my Ben Wa balls--for the entire day--and be all prettied up when Sir gets home. I get the feeling that Sir is going to tear my clothes off. Not that I mind. And yesterday, when I stood up to clear the table from dinner, Sir handed me his plate before I could reach for it. He has gotten so used to me clearing it for him that he knows I will take it--I felt like such an accomplished sub. :)

Orders for today were to finish the laundry. I'm going to have it all folded and put away for him as well, plus organize all my new things for work. I've also been cleaning up around the house so that we can enjoy the weekend together. The downstairs is completely done except for the kitchen, which will probably only take about ten more minutes. Upstairs needs to be vaccuumed and dusted, and our office needs to be straightened up a little. Our guest room needs some more serious work though. We are trying to dump the extra bedset we have, since we will hopefully *knock on wood* be trying to turn it into a nursery at some point in the next year or two. No chance trying until next year at the earliest, but we do need to get used to not having the space for our storage. I mean, my storage. :)

If all goes to plan this afternoon, I will be Little Miss 50s Housewife when Sir comes home from work. Hopefully Sir won't be too tired to play...

Always his,

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