Awakening my inner submissive

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My Last Official Day Off

Today is my last official day off before I start my new job. So excited!

Sir and I have made a list of things that I/we need to get done before I start. My new hours are going to be very different from my current ones, so I want the house to be as clean and painless-to-use as possible. I think when the house is clean, we are both less stressed. So my list includes cleaning up our office (which is nice because then I can actually update more often), deep cleaning my parts of the bedroom and bathroom (my stuff tends to spread out and Sir has 'given' me our guest bathroom so I can get ready for work in the mornings without moving all of his stuff), going through my entire wardrobe and getting rid of things that don't fit, are stained, worn, etc. The list goes on, and on, and on. I think in the end it will be a HUGE help though.

Sir has started to refer to our arrangement in more direct terms, which makes me happy. He refers to his Dom side as "being all Dommy" and said I was being a "good sub" the other morning when I brought him his coffee. :)

So much to do, so little time. The office is done though. I cleaned up the pet area, put away all the paperwork, aired out the closet, and started a hamper of clothes to get rid of. Updating my blog was my reward.

I will also be renewing my goals of improving my health and well-being on September 1st. This will coincide with my new job and I will have had a few days off between jobs to get started. Just having gotten this job was a huge bump to my self-confidence and I want to keep it going and use that positive energy to keep improving myself. Working my current job drove me into counseling, for crying out loud, and I don't want to have to go back.

Wishing myself a productive day! You too!

Always His,

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