Awakening my inner submissive

Monday, July 22, 2013

Reflecting on my Goals

Monday is going to be my new day for reflection on my goals. I am going to work on thinking about it as reflecting on them, rather than passing or failing. With that in mind, I am refining them and making them more streamlined.


  • Try not to trash the kitchen while cooking. Sir cleans up after I cook (because he wants to) and I should make it easier for him. Clean as I go.
  • Do not be bitchy for no apparent reason. Do not take bitchiness out on Sir.
  • Spend less time on electronic devices.
  • Blog once a day (at least).
  • Prep Sir's coffee each night before bed. *ritual*

  • Go to gym every day, unless closed or work schedule prevents it.
  • Take vitamins every day.
  • One snack allowed each day. (I have a problem with grazing. I also have hypothyroidism and trouble losing weight. I also really like food.)
  • Add more vegetables and fruits to diet.
  • Make an effort to vary the weekly menu.
  • Weight loss goal: get my BMI to the outer edge of the healthy category. Lose 30 pounds of fat, as per the gym device that measures fat.

  • Go through all weekly ads to find best prices on food for the week.
  • Buy lunch out at work no more than once per week. PLAN AHEAD!
  • Go through weekly coupons and remember to use them.
  • Keep the checkbook updated.

  • Shave/trim as needed.
  • Wear skirts more often. Start at once a week.
  • Get up with Sir on days I work and make us a good breakfast.
  • Continue learning about D/s and be more open with Sir about what I want/think he would enjoy.
Along with the coffee, I am adding two more rituals to my daily list. One is to find and use the rubber band method to keep myself from saying the F word and from being super depressed about my abysmal job. Ritual 2 is a bedtime ritual. I will allow 30 minutes prior to me hopefully being asleep to brush my teeth, using floss and mouthwash, wash my face, apply night cream (trying to fade scars on my easily scarring face), and read (if time allows). Before beginning this, I will prep the coffee maker and start filtering the water. Just before reading/getting into bed, I will finish coffee prep.

Other things going on this week: I should be getting my blood test results back from my doctor about my thyroid, possibly increasing my Synthroid dosage, figuring out any other vitamin deficiencies, and generally getting my health in some kind of order. I asked off for the vacation Sir and I are taking with his parents this autumn, and have decided to stop going to therapy. I think it has served its purpose and I really just need to FIND A NEW JOB!

On that note, I rewrote my resume and took it, along with the most recent cover letter I wrote, to my therapist for her opinion. She said everything looked great and I just need to keep putting out apps. So that is good news.

I am also plotting a date night for Sir this weekend. I haven't had a full weekend (Sat-Sun) off in months, so I am trying to figure out what to do for a nice, romantic, relaxing date night. Chocolate will be involved--possibly even eaten. Hahaha. I think a fancy dinner on our wedding china with a fancy dessert and a good movie will be a nice change for us. Now to do it as cheaply as possible---that will be the trick.

Always his,

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