Awakening my inner submissive

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Finishing 30 days and random musings

Day 26: What’s your opinion on online BDSM play?
Not for me, but I can see the appeal. You can engage or not engage to whatever degree you feel comfortable.

Day 27: Do your non-kink interests ever find their way into your kinky activities? If so, how?

Not yet, but I can't really think how they would manifest into the kink activites. "Here, let me spank you with this cookbook..."

Day 28: How do you dress for kink/BDSM play? What significance does your attire have to you?

I like to wear one of my "outfits." These are satiny, lacy things that make me feel sexy and sensual. They don't usually stay on very long, but they help set my mood and make me feel confident.

Day 29: Do you have a BDSM title (e.g. mistress, master, slut, pig, whore, princess, goddess, ma’am, sir)? What is your opinion of the use of titles in general?

Sir calls me a few different pet names in vanilla-land, but usually sticks with "my dirty girl" or "naughty girl" or something like that. I think they help distinguish between a scene and our everyday lives together. If Sir called me a whore upon my return home from work, I would be kind of pissed. But when he does it during sex, its hot.

Day 30: Whatever BDSM/kink related thing you want to write about.

I really like the idea of submission in relation to my marriage. I think it forces me to think about my actions as more a reflection of Sir than of myself. It forces me to be less selfish, to think of him first. I also think it has made me more confident and sure of myself, since I am sure of this very private facet of my life. Its like when you wear matching underwear--only you know it, but it makes you feel more sure. Maybe that is just me...

I'd really like to get the guts to comment and get involved with the other blogs I read. They are all smart, funny ladies who I think I would be friends with in real life.

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