Awakening my inner submissive

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Taking care of myself

I had a doctor's appointment the other day. I haven't been to a regular doctor since I was little (my mom thinks check-ups are stupid) but I needed a refill for my thyroid medicine and had some questions that I wanted to ask a regular general doctor.

She ordered a ton of blood tests to check my thyroid levels and some other stuff to get a baseline for me. I'm really mostly concerned about my thyroid because over the past year, my hair has thinned noticeably. Sir has considered taking me to one of those laser hair places because it makes me so uncomfortable. My hair used to be so thick that if I didn't blow dry it, it wouldn't dry for a whole day. Now, I can air dry it for ten minutes and it is almost dry. So I have to go in soon and get the blood drawn so we can get to work on my thyroid.

Sir has been exhausted for several days now, so I have no sexy time reports. We haven't had a day off together for a while now so that is probably contributing as well. I've been trying to take special care of him and we will have some time this weekend, so I have good feelings about that.

I was on Submissive Guide the other day and there was an article about making your own mantra. So here is mine. I am a positive and motivated person who is working toward a better me!

Here are some more days of kink for you!

Day 23: Since getting into kink, how have your interests/perspectives changed?

I am more willing to try new things in general. Foods, movies, activities--I feel more free, I guess.

Day 24: Qualities I look for in a partner:

Caring, trustworthy, honest. My Sir is a very good match for me. Good thing we are married to each other.

Day 25: How open are you about your kinks?

Not at all open with my family. Imagine a door, sealed with duct tape, backed by a cement wall. That's the mental image I get. The door that leads to my professional life is closed, but you can see light around the edges. Probably all the women at work have read Fifty Shades, and several more enjoy the Bared to You series--and the discussion of any future movies and who should play the male leads is as far as we go. The door that leads to Sir is cracked, and gets a little more open every day. He is still getting used to this, but I haven't scared him off so far.

Off to clean/shop/watch TV and do nothing. Wish me luck!

Always his,

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