Awakening my inner submissive

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Belated Check-in and updates

I am two days late for my Sunday check-in, but things have been busy around here lately. My birthday, crazy work schedules, and life in general got in the way. Moving on...
Sunday Check-in:
Health and Wellbeing--have lost about 3 pounds. Got my blood drawn the other day so hopefully we can get my thyroid under control and figure out anything else I need to do. They are running some vitamin checks and a celiac test, so I will know if I need to worry about any of that.
Financial--have been making an effort to spend less money and to plan out meals so that we don't have to rely on a bare pantry or just go out. This week's splurge is a crock-pot meal with a fair amount of meat in it. Meat is expensive, and we don't eat it that often unless it is on sale or something, but this sounded great to Sir and I.
Personal--had a mini-meltdown yesterday after getting off from work. Had a terrible day for many diverse reasons, and then just started bawling on my way home and continued after getting into the house and exploding the whole thing to Sir. I am so sick of my job. I hate it. I hate it. I got some books from the library about how to revamp your resume and things like that. I will be reworking my stuff and trying again. Even though part of me thinks this is useless, that I have had several interviews and gotten nothing back from any of them.
Sir had a plan for me on Sunday when I got home. That was why I forgot to update. You'll see why. He texted me before I left work, telling me that when I got home, I was to immediately go upstairs and freshen up, then wait for him on the bed. He told me he had laid out everything I would need in the bathroom and that I should also put on the clothes he left on the bed. After flying home, I opened the door and hurried up to get ready. He had laid out everything for me, and laid out my corset from our wedding and a pair of white cheeky boyshorts. I rinsed off under a cold shower to cool off and laid down on the bed after pulling on the outfit he chose. After a few minutes, he came upstairs and began the most BDSM scene we had ever done. It was wonderful. He ordered me to my knees to take him in my mouth, he tied me up with some old silk ties, he tortured me with my vibrator, and oh, yes, he spanked me with a belt. He seemed to get really into it, and I could tell he was afraid of hurting me, but it was glorious. GLORIOUS. The whole thing was so much fun and so intense. I'm actually wondering if perhaps my meltdown yesterday was some sort of subdrop from Sunday. Anyway, he seemed very into the whole thing and I hope he does it again sometime.
I've got a house to straighten and clean up and things to watch on the DVR, so I'm off!
Always his,

Day 27: Do your non-kink interests ever find their way into your kinky activities? If so, how?

Day 28: How do you dress for kink/BDSM play? What significance does your attire have to you?

Day 29: Do you have a BDSM title (e.g. mistress, master, slut, pig, whore, princess, goddess, ma’am, sir)? What is your opinion of the use of titles in general?

Day 30: Whatever BDSM/kink related thing you want to write about.

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