Awakening my inner submissive

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Alas, date night!

The first weekend Sir and I have had off together in months--and luck was not on our side. Sir felt sick on Friday, and I had some sort of horrific stomach ailment Saturday and Sunday. I thought I was going to have to go the hospital for appendicitis. So after spending 14 hours in bed between Saturday and Sunday, complete with agonizing stomach pain and fever and chills, I was not in the mood (or physically capable) of sexy time. Sad face. I couldn't even stand up straight until yesterday. Ugh.

Still waiting on the results of my bloodwork a couple weeks ago. Hopefully it comes soon, with a new prescription, because I only have 6 days of my Synthroid left. Also, it would be nice to know what is going on. Good news--I had nearly $700 of tests done, and as of right now, I only have to pay $20. Nice! I was so worried I was going to bankrupt us.

On the health front, I need to eat more fiber. Sir and I think that might be why I was so sick this weekend.

I feel like I'm being a terrible submissive lately. I overthink everything and then nothing ends up getting done. This weekend was a total waste, since I was in agony for most of it. I got nothing done around the house and haven't really worked out in a couple days. I still don't feel 100% better, so I skipped the gym again today. I'm hoping to go tomorrow.

Sir has set a new goal for this week. We must have something fiber-full at every dinner. This mostly means more vegetables. Vegetables are expensive, which is annoying. They literally grow on trees, or bushes, or in the ground. Whatever. They should be cheaper!!

On the sexy time front, Sir and I are probably going to watch Secretary with Maggie Gyllenhall this evening. We were supposed to watch it this weekend, but with me sleeping for most of it, that didn't happen. I'm trying to make up for it (I know getting sick isn't my fault, but I still feel bad) by cleaning up the house and getting things taken care of that have been on the list for a while. So far, I have dusted, scrubbed the kitchen, put away dishes, loaded and unloaded the dishwasher, vacuumed the whole house, cleaned up the office, and made the menu and shopping list for this week. I still need to actually get off my butt and get cleaned up and go shopping for groceries. Getting a load of laundry done would be nice as well.

I also researched some stuff for our vacation this fall. I found a bunch of places to stay and tons to do. Its going to be interesting going on vacation with the in-laws. We've never done this before, and I don't know what to expect. I'm sure it will be fun though.

My goals this week:
Go to the gym Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. NO EXCUSES.
Get enough sleep. Remember the bedtime ritual.
Stop drinking coffee every morning. Have orange juice sometimes. See if this helps stop migraines.
Apply for two jobs by Saturday.

Always his,

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