Awakening my inner submissive

Sunday, December 8, 2013

I like Sundays.

After a lovely evening of wine and relaxation, I have to admit that I was disappointed that Sir declined my offer of sexy time. However, this morning he was not so quick to say no. And then he demanded a threesome with a butt plug and everything seemed back to normal.

We talked about the lack of sex recently and he agrees with my guess that it is because he is stressed about his job. He doesn't like his job, which obviously creates stress, and he is concerned about his job security for the next year. He thinks he made a huge mistake in his major in college, doesn't think he even wants to do that (if he could find a job in the field, which is unlikely), and he knows that, as he contributes slightly more than half of our income, he MUST have a job that provides a similiar level of pay, he might have to move into something that he doesn't want to do. We are worried about him having to work nights, weekends, and holidays, which would really suck because I finally have a job where I only work during the day, Monday through Friday.

So Sir is basically having a mini-crisis and that is making him too stressed to focus on anything else. The only thing he can really do to fix this whole thing is to find a new job, which he has been working on for a long time. There isn't much I can do to help him either, except try and make his time at home relaxing and conducive to putting in mass applications. The problem is that he wants to relax, not put in applications, so he ends up taking a nap or playing video games until I get home. It really bugs me because I KNOW he is worried about his job, and I KNOW how disheartening it is to put in app after app and get nothing back, but if you don't put any in then you won't hear anything back.

Enough depressing things.

With Christmas and New Year's just around the corner, I am slowly coming up with my annual list of resolutions. I actually followed through on one from last year (getting a new job by Black Friday)!!

Here's what I have so far. This will be revised into an "official" version by 12-31.

1. Develop a healthier eating plan. I would like to go (mostly) dairy free soon, since I am fairly certain that I am lactose intolerant. I also need to lose weight, not least because Sir told me to buy a corset and it is JUST too tight to be wearable all day under my regular clothing.

2. Be more submissive.

3. Be more "housewifey." This includes cooking more healthy, wholesome meals, doing more cleaning around the house, and making more foods and snacks from scratch.

4. Remember to take my damn thyroid medication.

5. Start keeping track of budgeting things. How much do I spend on stupid things? Groceries? Gas? We need to start budgeting for a baby (hoping to start trying this coming year) although I don't see us being able to afford childcare unless one of us gets a drastic increase in pay. How the hell do people afford it??!! The cheapest I can find (which is not the best way to find daycare, obviously) is going to run about $1000 per month for 5 days a week. !!! It would almost be cheaper for me to quit my job.

Always his,

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