Awakening my inner submissive

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Kinky Fuckery

I cannot recall where I heard the term "kinky fuckery," but I like it. I feel like it might have been 50 Shades, but maybe not. Either way, love that term.

So yesterday, Sir texted some instructions for me involving underwear and shoving things into my lady bits. I was already on my way to work, and so was unable to perform said tasks. I promised to immediately change when I got home and he continued to send me various orders throughout the day.

I arrived home and rushed upstairs to freshen up and change. He had laid out a pair of black, lacy underwear, a black push up bra, and black stockings. Thigh highs. Think Marie Antoinette, if she did porn. And he had set out a pair of pin-up heels. I am all but walking on my toes when I wear them. I put on the outfit, slipped in the Ben Wa ball and a medium butt plug, and came to meet Sir in the living room for my next instructions.

First, he spanked me over his knees with the new paddle for stopping to greet the dog on my way upstairs. He had told me to go straight up, no delays. After my ass was nice and red, he told me to suck him until he told me to stop. I decided to see how deep I could take him and he ended it quickly, since he was getting too excited. We went upstairs, where he told me that he was going to finish wherever he wanted on me or in me, and as long as it wasn't in my ass, I was to reach down and taste it afterward. Hot.

He banged my brains out, finishing himself quickly, then reached for my vibrator since I was a good girl and tasted his cum like he told me to. I don't know what it is about that thing, but its like being electrocuted. Three agonizingly amazing orgasms later, I was a puddle of goo on the bed, and my ass muscles still hurt from tensing up so much before the release.

After I had cleaned myself up, he told me to wear the outfit for the rest of the night, nothing else. So I cooked dinner in my undergarments and stockings, plus my fuck me heels. And fuck me he did.

Always His,

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Back in the Game

As instructed, I wore my Ben Wa ball all day at work yesterday. I think I need to buy a heavier one or something because after a few hours, I couldn't really feel it anymore. But it was lovely, either way. I checked my phone on the way to my car and saw a text from Sir, telling me to have a safe drive and to come inside, get freshened up, and put on whatever outfit was laying on the bed for me. I arrived home, very excited, and rushed up to get ready.

Sir came in, dressed in all black (I could tell he had spent way too much time thinking about this all day), and laid out the paddle, a dowel rod, some rope, and a crappy old tie that we have used as a blindfold or makeshift handcuffs. As had been laid out for me, I was wearing a white push-up bra, white hipsters, and white thigh high stockings. Sir told me that he really liked this outfit on me, and then the fun began. He actually only used the tie on me, tied around my neck loosely as a collar and then looped through the back strap of my bra so that he could direct me with a sort of handle.

After slapping my hands away from unzipping him, he did it himself while lecturing me that I did not have permission to touch him yet, and definitely not with my hands. He pulled himself out and shoved into my mouth, making a moaning noise when he felt how deep he could go. We've been working on dampening my gag reflex, and I actually found an article online that gives suggestions on how build up your tolerance using a toothbrush while brushing your teeth. I brush my tongue too, and you just brush a little further back every time, doing it a little longer each time. It has actually helped quite a bit.

Sir also said that I was not allowed to check my email for a couple days, which is not feasible for me. He bought something naughty online and didn't want me to see, so I had him go onto my phone and move the confirmation so that I wouldn't be able to see it. I'm intrigued. Hopefully it will be here by this weekend.

While I was making dinner, we had a discussion about how things are progressing in terms of the D/s thing, and I think he is really getting into it. Its in his personality anyway, at least with me, and it was just a matter of making sure I was really enjoying it. He was concerned because lately I haven't been able to "finish" when we are in the throes of passion. :) And he was worried that it was his fault or something. I think he is just super excited by this whole new dynamic and I'm not worried because that gives him an excuse to torture me later with the vibrator.

Also, he asked me if I liked a certain position (I can't actually recall what one) because it made me feel like a dirty whore. I said yes, and he said I was damn right, I am a dirty whore. HIS dirty whore. Is it bad that I was really turned on? Just kidding, I don't care. I'll be his dirty whore anyday.

Always His,

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

No Time For Drama

I can see it has been a while since my last update. I had way too much on my reading list when I signed back on here--will have to catch up later.

Between family drama on both sides and my new work hours, things have been less than ideal in the D/s world for me lately. Sir and I have both been dealing with different levels of family drama, added to the constant annoyance of me not being home early enough anymore, plus Sir is afraid his job will not last until the new year. Our sex life has unfortunately, but understandably, fallen to the side.

Until last night, when Sir returned downstairs from our bedroom and dropped the little satin bag that my BenWa ball lives in on the papers I was looking at for work. I looked up at him, mentally hoping this was what I thought it was, and I was correct. Sir ordered me to wear the ball today at work. All day. And then when I get home, he is going to maul me. Looking forward to it. The last time he did this, I was in between ending my job at Helljob and starting this one, so I was stuck at the house all day, fantasizing. This will be more difficult since I have to contribute to the workplace. Oh well. I dub this the BEN WA CHALLENGE.

Hopefully this is the kickstart we needed to get back on track. I've been keeping up with the non-sexual side of our arrangement, but it is hard to get things ready for someone who is already home two hours before you. I've also been wanting to get back in the habit of eating better and working out, plus going for walks. The weather is finally starting to cooperate and hopefully I can start some good habits.

My goal this week: realize that I am someone to be proud of.

Always His,

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Weekend's Over

I think Sir and I just needed a weekend together to get things sorted out. Hopefully, my prepping dinner ingredients will save time and help him to not be so stressed about eating at a decent hour. He is still depressed about his job, but I think he is finally getting the idea that he needs to seriously just get out and go elsewhere.

On the D/s side of things, I think I need him to be more Dommy. All the time. About everything. I think the D/s has become a real part of our relationship and it hasn't been as apparent in the last week because of everything else going on. I tried upping my own contributions, calling him Sir more often in text messages and generally deferring more to him. I have offered service more often, asking if he wants more coffee or a snack, or dessert, or whatever it might be. I have been more aware of his needs, I guess. It makes me feel better to be able to make him feel pampered.

Today was the first night of our attempted healthier eating. We had fish, steamed broccoli, grean beans, and I made crab stuffed mushrooms as a sort of appetizer. It was delicious, and I ate more vegetables tonight than I have in a long time. I also prepped some apple slices and carrots for my snacks this week, along with some ranch sauce for the carrots. I figure the carrots have little to no calories, so I can have a little sauce to choke them down with.

My new job is fantastic. I am actually still a little excited to go in tomorrow. It still seems unreal that I can have a job where I don't have fanstasies about the building going up in flames (at night, when there is no one in there). Bonus points: I've lost about four pounds since quitting Helljob. Probably from the lack of stress and crushing depression.

Hopefully I can get Sir feeling better in general. He seems to just be kind of BLAH all the time and its very sad.

Always his,

Saturday, September 7, 2013


This is my first weekend off from the new job and Sir and I are planning on figuring out what each of us needs to do to feel better about this situation. But yesterday, we just relaxed. Sir came home, took a nap, showered, and got dressed up to match me (since I have to dress up for my new job). He had a drink, which helped him to transition into weekend mode, and I drove us to dinner. We got an appetizer, which we don't ever do, Sir told me to get a drink if I wanted, so I did. I tried a new one that I haven't had before, and it was very good. We had a nice, relaxing dinner, and just enjoyed each other's company. Sir remarked on the way home (he drove, having worn off his beer from earlier in the afternoon) that he felt like we were "normal" and it felt odd. We didn't get home until about 8, which is usually the time we head to bed. We sat up and watched TV, part of a movie, and tried a new beer Sir had gotten us in honor of my job. We had first tried it on a visit to my hometown and we both loved it, which was strange since we aren't really beer drinkers.

This morning, Sir mauled me in bed, which was lovely. He tried a new position of sorts-me on top, which he loves, but then he pinned my ankles down to the bed. The feeling of restraint was very hot. We also tried an elevated doggy style and he absolutely pounded me until I was sore. Still am sore, excuse me. Then he told me that I was dirty, and dirty girls like threesomes (which is our reference to using a vibrator alongside him or a butt plug back there). I agreed that I was a dirty whore and he shoved the butt plug in and continued on his merry way, calling me his dirty slut and stuff like that.

So in other words, we are feeling like we have returned to our normal situation. I made breakfast, we cleaned up the house a little, I brought him his coffee upon his command. We still have to sit down and figure out how to keep things going during the week--normally I would be home way before him and clean things up and start dinner, but now I get home after him.

I made the menu--we are going shopping tomorrow--and I think I have things figured out. If we/he goes shopping twice a week-once on weekends and once mid-week, I can prep everything for the next three to four days and toss it in the fridge. This will drastically cut down on prep time because I can either just toss it all in and cook immediately when I get home, or Sir can measure what we need and not have to really think or do much "cooking." I also plan on doing small appetizers we can eat while the meal is still cooking--and I should get stuff for salads too. Sir is worried that since I sit down a lot now, I am going to gain weight. I am worried about that too, since I already have metabolism issues due to my thyroid problems and probable IBS/lactose intolerance. There is a little park-type thing nearby, and I have been walking around that during my breaks. Its nice to get to go outside during the day.

Always his,

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Sir is getting very fed up with his job. This is manifesting itself by him getting upset over stupid things, being upset about my new hours/commute, and being jealous of my new job. I have to admit, I would be super pissed and jealous if the tables were turned and he had gotten this job instead of me. But anyway.

He told me this afternoon that he feels like his alpha male dynamic is getting tossed to the side because he gets home before me and therefore cleans up the house and gets dinner started--things he has never really done, EVER, during the entirety of our nearly decade long relationship. I don't like it anymore than him, but I am SO EFFING HAPPY to be out of Helljob that I could be doing almost anything else and not really care. But I see where he is coming from and it does feel strange to not cook dinner. I haven't really cooked anything in like three days. I made breakfast once, but that doesn't even count. Eggs are not hard.

I don't really know how to fix this. There are a few solutions, I guess, but none that really help right this second. He could take a nap instead of cleaning up, although he did both today, and then I could start dinner when I get home. This means it would be ready much later than usual, and then we would probably stay up later so that A we could spend more time together, and B who wants to eat dinner and then go right to bed? I could also prep all the stuff beforehand, presumably on the weekend, so that he/I could just throw dinner together with all of these prepped ingredients.

We are taking it one day at a time right now, but I am really happy with my new situation.

Always His,

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

New Job Stress

My new job is affecting Sir and I more than I thought it would. I am now getting home after him, and he told me yesterday that it was very sad to come home to an empty house. I was very stressed yesterday after having filled out endless paperwork and having to get information that I didn't know I needed, and was very cranky and generally in a horrid mood. He told me this afternoon that he actually stayed downstairs after I went to bed because he didn't want to be in bed with me. That has not happened in a LONG time.

Today was much, much better. I got almost everything taken care of, and the stuff I need to correct can be done pretty much at my leisure. I actually got more into training for my actual job, and I really like it. Sir made dinner, which was reheating a huge platter of lasagna, but it feels strange to have him doing "my job" of making sure dinner is done. I don't really like it, but the alternative is to have dinner later in the evening, and since he gets up early, this causes problems. We are going to have to figure this out over the weekend because I enjoy cooking and I know Sir does not. Plus cooking is my job.

I have a feeling that this weekend is going to be very interesting in terms of sexy time. We haven't done anything in several days, and I am thinking of wearing my Ben Wa ball to work on Friday. Maybe I will plan a date day.

Sir is instructing me to make coffee to go along with dessert and I must obey.

Always His,

Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day

Not much going on today. I've been off for about a week and start my new job tomorrow. I'm so excited but really nervous that I'm going to screw it up and end up crawling back to Helljob. Sir is confident in me, and that helps.

Several BBQs this weekend. Lots of food. Lots of family time with mine and Sir's parents. I worked out the plan for my new daily routine--still getting up with Sir, but now I actually have time to get in a decent workout DVD and shower.

Nothing much in the way of kink this weekend either. There wasn't really time until today, and both of us were pretty much beat. We got up early to get back in the work mindset and then we were so bored and cranky that we just sort of did our own things until it was time for dinner. Caught up on some TV shows, did some reading, ate some more. Since I did all the laundry on Friday, there wasn't any of that to do--so we ended up taking a nap. Which was nice.

I think the plan for tonight is to watch a movie and then head to bed. I'm so excited to have weekends off now too, since Sir has them off as well.

Always His.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

My Promises to Sir

Here is an updated and slightly more formalized version of His Lady's rules and protocols. After doing some research and having conversations with Sir about what he expects, I have drafted this new version of my rules and protocols.

I, His Lady, shall endeavor to uphold these expectations as a sign of my love and support for Sir. I will strive to follow His directions always and to always remember that I do these things for Him and for myself.
General Rules:
  • Always remember that Sir prefers a positive attitude. Discuss any negative feelings with Him and try to resolve them immediately.
  • No more F bombs. Even if I am by myself. (exception: use of a sexual nature)
  • Do not be bitchy for no apparent reason. Do not take bitchiness out on Sir. Do not use any negative nicknames in reference to Sir.
  • Spend less time on electronic devices.
  • Blog once a day (at least).
  • Prep Sir's coffee each night before bed.
  • Ask Sir if he has any requests for the day (wearing Ben Wa ball, completing a task, etc.)
  • Communicate my needs to Sir in a positive way. "I would like it if..." rather than "I want..."
  • Follow workout schedule, unless illness or unavoidable circumstance prevents this. Try to complete workout in the morning before work. 
  • Take vitamins every day after dinner.
  • Two snacks allowed each day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. (I have a problem with grazing. I also have hypothyroidism and trouble losing weight. I also really like food.)
  • Add more vegetables and fruits to diet, possibly as snacks.
  • Make an effort to vary the weekly menu.
  • Weight loss goal: get my BMI to the outer edge of the healthy category. Lose 30 pounds.
  • Keep the checkbook updated.
  • Spending of more than $15 on personal "splurges" must get permission from Sir before purchase.
  • Make sure all bills are paid on time. Develop and enact a better system to organize bills. 
  • Wake up with Sir each day and make His breakfast before completing daily workout.
  • Make Sir's lunch if He requests.
  • Make the weekly menu and shopping list on Friday evenings.
  • Cook dinner each night, endeavoring to make these healthy and satisfying meals.
  • Present Sir with his coffee each morning before breakfast.
  • Complete laundry on weekends, including folding and putting it away.
  • Keep the kitchen clean while I cook--Sir helps me clean, but make it easier on us both.
  • Clean the litter box each morning.
  • I will have a positive attitude each day.
  • I will not allow stupid things to negatively impact my attitude.
  • Keep nails trimmed and polished to avoid picking at imperpections.
  • Shave and trim as needed.
  • Give myself a pedicure once a  month (minimum).
  • Complete bedtime ritual nightly. This includes washing face, applying creams, brushing teeth, flossing, using mouthwash, and brushing out hair.
  • Remember that I am a symbol of Sir and should comport myself as such.
  • Wear a skirt at least once a week.
  • Sir does not believe in punishment as such, but will consider witholding sex, sexual release, my ability to serve Him, or anything else as a viable alternative.
These are my promises to Sir and to myself, made in good faith and love.