Awakening my inner submissive

Sunday, September 1, 2013

My Promises to Sir

Here is an updated and slightly more formalized version of His Lady's rules and protocols. After doing some research and having conversations with Sir about what he expects, I have drafted this new version of my rules and protocols.

I, His Lady, shall endeavor to uphold these expectations as a sign of my love and support for Sir. I will strive to follow His directions always and to always remember that I do these things for Him and for myself.
General Rules:
  • Always remember that Sir prefers a positive attitude. Discuss any negative feelings with Him and try to resolve them immediately.
  • No more F bombs. Even if I am by myself. (exception: use of a sexual nature)
  • Do not be bitchy for no apparent reason. Do not take bitchiness out on Sir. Do not use any negative nicknames in reference to Sir.
  • Spend less time on electronic devices.
  • Blog once a day (at least).
  • Prep Sir's coffee each night before bed.
  • Ask Sir if he has any requests for the day (wearing Ben Wa ball, completing a task, etc.)
  • Communicate my needs to Sir in a positive way. "I would like it if..." rather than "I want..."
  • Follow workout schedule, unless illness or unavoidable circumstance prevents this. Try to complete workout in the morning before work. 
  • Take vitamins every day after dinner.
  • Two snacks allowed each day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. (I have a problem with grazing. I also have hypothyroidism and trouble losing weight. I also really like food.)
  • Add more vegetables and fruits to diet, possibly as snacks.
  • Make an effort to vary the weekly menu.
  • Weight loss goal: get my BMI to the outer edge of the healthy category. Lose 30 pounds.
  • Keep the checkbook updated.
  • Spending of more than $15 on personal "splurges" must get permission from Sir before purchase.
  • Make sure all bills are paid on time. Develop and enact a better system to organize bills. 
  • Wake up with Sir each day and make His breakfast before completing daily workout.
  • Make Sir's lunch if He requests.
  • Make the weekly menu and shopping list on Friday evenings.
  • Cook dinner each night, endeavoring to make these healthy and satisfying meals.
  • Present Sir with his coffee each morning before breakfast.
  • Complete laundry on weekends, including folding and putting it away.
  • Keep the kitchen clean while I cook--Sir helps me clean, but make it easier on us both.
  • Clean the litter box each morning.
  • I will have a positive attitude each day.
  • I will not allow stupid things to negatively impact my attitude.
  • Keep nails trimmed and polished to avoid picking at imperpections.
  • Shave and trim as needed.
  • Give myself a pedicure once a  month (minimum).
  • Complete bedtime ritual nightly. This includes washing face, applying creams, brushing teeth, flossing, using mouthwash, and brushing out hair.
  • Remember that I am a symbol of Sir and should comport myself as such.
  • Wear a skirt at least once a week.
  • Sir does not believe in punishment as such, but will consider witholding sex, sexual release, my ability to serve Him, or anything else as a viable alternative.
These are my promises to Sir and to myself, made in good faith and love.

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