Awakening my inner submissive

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Weekend's Over

I think Sir and I just needed a weekend together to get things sorted out. Hopefully, my prepping dinner ingredients will save time and help him to not be so stressed about eating at a decent hour. He is still depressed about his job, but I think he is finally getting the idea that he needs to seriously just get out and go elsewhere.

On the D/s side of things, I think I need him to be more Dommy. All the time. About everything. I think the D/s has become a real part of our relationship and it hasn't been as apparent in the last week because of everything else going on. I tried upping my own contributions, calling him Sir more often in text messages and generally deferring more to him. I have offered service more often, asking if he wants more coffee or a snack, or dessert, or whatever it might be. I have been more aware of his needs, I guess. It makes me feel better to be able to make him feel pampered.

Today was the first night of our attempted healthier eating. We had fish, steamed broccoli, grean beans, and I made crab stuffed mushrooms as a sort of appetizer. It was delicious, and I ate more vegetables tonight than I have in a long time. I also prepped some apple slices and carrots for my snacks this week, along with some ranch sauce for the carrots. I figure the carrots have little to no calories, so I can have a little sauce to choke them down with.

My new job is fantastic. I am actually still a little excited to go in tomorrow. It still seems unreal that I can have a job where I don't have fanstasies about the building going up in flames (at night, when there is no one in there). Bonus points: I've lost about four pounds since quitting Helljob. Probably from the lack of stress and crushing depression.

Hopefully I can get Sir feeling better in general. He seems to just be kind of BLAH all the time and its very sad.

Always his,

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