Awakening my inner submissive

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A day together

Sir and I both have today off...this has not happened in months (excluding the weekends). He is following up on the job search and I have a lady doctor appointment. I'm sure they are going to make me pee in a cup, since I haven't gotten my period this month. I'm almost positive that it is because I went off the Pill for a month and then went right back on it. That can't be good for your hormones. The good news is that my insurance will pay for it, and I won't have to have that tiny voice in my head saying not to drink on the VERY SLIM chance that I AM knocked up.

In an effort to keep my baby fever to myself, I made a private Pinterest account so that I can ogle baby stuff and not constantly talk to Sir about it. It isn't that he doesn't want to have a baby, but since we are waiting until this fall to start trying, I don't want him to get burnt out on baby mania. Plus, I want to know as much as possible about what I will be (trying) to get into.

In other news, Sir's job totally sucks giant dick. I cannot wait until he gets a different one. *crosses fingers*

The bad news about my doctor's appointment is that we couldn't have sexy time this morning. I told Sir that I will make it up to him when we both get home this afternoon.

I think that having the babymaking start date is going to help me get my ass in gear to lose some weight and generally be healthier. I am a smidge OCD, so since a new month started on the first day of the week (Sunday), it seemed like the perfect day to start seriously working on it. On Sunday, Sir and I did yard work for about six hours, which definitely counts as a workout. Monday-I was so sore and sunburned that I took a rest day. Tuesday-I went on walks during my break at work. Today-I am going to either do a workout video or walk on the treadmill for a while. Sir and I can watch something on the DVR and multitask. :)

I was supposed to start working out in the mornings, but since Sir is gone so early, I don't want to get out of bed early enough, since he isn't here. I do have a family function in July that I wouldn't mind looking a little thinner for.

I finally got back on schedule with taking my thyroid meds, and I'm wondering if that has something to do with my slight uptick in motivation. If anyone reading is hypothyroid, for purposes of comparison, I take 125 mcg of Synthroid each day.

Chores and other fantastic things await me. Happy Wednesday, everyone!

Always his,


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