Awakening my inner submissive

Friday, June 13, 2014


Sir is very down about his job search. He has had several interviews that he says went very well, but he hasn't heard back about them. He is very depressed, and I am kind of dreading his reaction if he doesn't get a call back about this round of interviews. He doesn't want to travel for his current job, and is very upset that he might have to if he doesn't have another job lined up. It makes me sad that I can't help him more than I am. I helped him redo his resume, I have helped with cover letters, we have practiced interviews, I have boosted his ego as much as I can (he has a tendency to think the worst sometimes), but nothing has come of it.

In slightly cheerier news, I have made small, baby steps toward being more active and more healthy. I have walked on the treadmill three times this week, and done arm workouts while I walk. I have brought my lunch every day this week, instead of "forgetting" and running down to the deli on lunch. This is both cheaper (bonus) and healthier. Sir and I also went on a walk earlier in the week, since it was rather nice out.

He wanted to go out tonight, but since we are going out tomorrow with family, he decided we would stay in. I have a great dinner planned tonight-nothing fancy, but something he really likes. He has been really NOT in the mood for sexy time over the past...month...or two...and I am hoping to break that cycle as well. Dinner tonight, maybe we can watch one of the movies we got recently, and I am definitely breaking into the wine stash.

Operation Seduction of Sir has begun. Operation Cheer Sir Up is also in motion. Wish me luck.

Always His,


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