Awakening my inner submissive

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Saturday Night Fun

Sir woke me up with sex this morning, followed by an order to wear my ben wa balls, followed by a a few hours out doing whatever, followed by coming home to more sex. I was told to wear something more "appropriate" for a night of sexy time, so I put on one of my fancy nightgowns...and no underwear. Sir made me wear my collar for a few hours and tried putting the nipple clamps on my lady bits...which was disturbingly nice. I don't like the pinching feeling I got when he pulled them off, rather than unclamping them, but it was nice. I'm not going to lie.

This evening's activities include a bottle of wine and a movie...and probably some back door fun, if Sir gets his way and things cooperate.

I'm looking forward to it.

Always his,


Sunday, June 15, 2014

Submissive Sunday

We went to see Sir's parents for the day yesterday...Sir ordered me to wear my hair down and I had to ask him for everything. We went to an outdoor festival and I had to ask if I could have wine, something to eat, etc. We played it off like I had left my purse at the house and had forgotten my money...but Sir and I knew better. Haha.

We came back this morning, and Sir is taking a nap while I take care of the house. I have to make some food to bring to my parents' house tonight, do the laundry, and generally clean things up. We weren't expecting to go anywhere yesterday, so the house is not as kept up as it should be. With Sir taking a nap, I've got nothing to do but clean up. And watch TV. But mostly clean up.

I've got a lot to do before I wake Sir up...

Always His,


Friday, June 13, 2014


Sir is very down about his job search. He has had several interviews that he says went very well, but he hasn't heard back about them. He is very depressed, and I am kind of dreading his reaction if he doesn't get a call back about this round of interviews. He doesn't want to travel for his current job, and is very upset that he might have to if he doesn't have another job lined up. It makes me sad that I can't help him more than I am. I helped him redo his resume, I have helped with cover letters, we have practiced interviews, I have boosted his ego as much as I can (he has a tendency to think the worst sometimes), but nothing has come of it.

In slightly cheerier news, I have made small, baby steps toward being more active and more healthy. I have walked on the treadmill three times this week, and done arm workouts while I walk. I have brought my lunch every day this week, instead of "forgetting" and running down to the deli on lunch. This is both cheaper (bonus) and healthier. Sir and I also went on a walk earlier in the week, since it was rather nice out.

He wanted to go out tonight, but since we are going out tomorrow with family, he decided we would stay in. I have a great dinner planned tonight-nothing fancy, but something he really likes. He has been really NOT in the mood for sexy time over the past...month...or two...and I am hoping to break that cycle as well. Dinner tonight, maybe we can watch one of the movies we got recently, and I am definitely breaking into the wine stash.

Operation Seduction of Sir has begun. Operation Cheer Sir Up is also in motion. Wish me luck.

Always His,


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Making Routines

Since Sir's work hours have changed, my morning hours have also changed. I don't get to make him breakfast anymore, since he is long gone by the time I get out of bed. Like I mentioned in earlier posts, I haven't been following my (or Sir's) list of morning chores because of this, and also in part because I am lacking in motivation in the mornings.

So yesterday, I had some free time and decided to make some lists. I haven't done this in a while. I made a list of things I want to get done this weekend, a list of things I SHOULD get done this weekend, and a workout/health plan to get ready for October--since my GYN confirmed that I am not knocked up. In my secret Pinterest habit, I have been reading up on different aspects of having a baby and I think I am going to try to go natural. I also realized that in order to have the best chance of success at that, I am going to have to FINALLY get off my ass and get in shape.

So my healthy/baby plan includes a goal of 25 pounds of weight loss between June 1 and October 1. This is roughly one pound per week, plus a little extra. I made a workout plan of cardio, plus arm/leg exercises, plus one day of yoga/meditation (which I am really hoping will help with my headaches). The weekends are free days. Once our snack food stash (which is not very large to begin with) is gone, I will not be replenishing it. I will be buying more fruits and veggies for snacks. I am going to start weaning myself off of coffee, which I think may be behind my migraines. I will start with alternating coffee and tea, and will be drinking more water when at home. I drink plenty at work, but I notice that I never drink as much on the weekends or once I get home.

On to the kink!

Sir found an old pair of Easter bunny ears this morning while cleaning up this morning and handed them to me. I asked him why he was handing me bunny ears, and he said that if I didn't start doing more around the house, he was going to get me a pink leotard or something and glue a poofball tail to my ass and make me wear the ears around while I cleaned. His own personal Playboy bunny.

He also told me that he wants to bang me in the ass soon. He's been holding back because I haven't been feeling well and he has been stressed as hell, but I am thinking he is going to try it sometime this weekend. Can't say I'm not looking forward to it.

Always his,


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A day together

Sir and I both have today off...this has not happened in months (excluding the weekends). He is following up on the job search and I have a lady doctor appointment. I'm sure they are going to make me pee in a cup, since I haven't gotten my period this month. I'm almost positive that it is because I went off the Pill for a month and then went right back on it. That can't be good for your hormones. The good news is that my insurance will pay for it, and I won't have to have that tiny voice in my head saying not to drink on the VERY SLIM chance that I AM knocked up.

In an effort to keep my baby fever to myself, I made a private Pinterest account so that I can ogle baby stuff and not constantly talk to Sir about it. It isn't that he doesn't want to have a baby, but since we are waiting until this fall to start trying, I don't want him to get burnt out on baby mania. Plus, I want to know as much as possible about what I will be (trying) to get into.

In other news, Sir's job totally sucks giant dick. I cannot wait until he gets a different one. *crosses fingers*

The bad news about my doctor's appointment is that we couldn't have sexy time this morning. I told Sir that I will make it up to him when we both get home this afternoon.

I think that having the babymaking start date is going to help me get my ass in gear to lose some weight and generally be healthier. I am a smidge OCD, so since a new month started on the first day of the week (Sunday), it seemed like the perfect day to start seriously working on it. On Sunday, Sir and I did yard work for about six hours, which definitely counts as a workout. Monday-I was so sore and sunburned that I took a rest day. Tuesday-I went on walks during my break at work. Today-I am going to either do a workout video or walk on the treadmill for a while. Sir and I can watch something on the DVR and multitask. :)

I was supposed to start working out in the mornings, but since Sir is gone so early, I don't want to get out of bed early enough, since he isn't here. I do have a family function in July that I wouldn't mind looking a little thinner for.

I finally got back on schedule with taking my thyroid meds, and I'm wondering if that has something to do with my slight uptick in motivation. If anyone reading is hypothyroid, for purposes of comparison, I take 125 mcg of Synthroid each day.

Chores and other fantastic things await me. Happy Wednesday, everyone!

Always his,