Awakening my inner submissive

Friday, June 28, 2013

His Lady's Submissive Etiquette

These are informal as of right now, but I wanted to get them down on (blog)paper. Sir has not given me official rules, but there are certain things he prefers/dislikes me to do. There are also things that I want to do because I am working on improving myself for ME. I have not always taken good care of myself, and this is a way to lay it all out and hold myself accountable, which Sir likes.

To be updated as needed or more formalized in the future.

  • Try not to trash the kitchen while cooking. Sir cleans up after I cook (because he wants to) and I should make it easier for him. Clean as I go.
  • No more F bombs. Even if I am by myself. (exception: use of a sexual nature)
  • Do not be bitchy for no apparent reason. Do not take bitchiness out on Sir.
  • Spend less time on electronic devices.
  • Blog once a day (at least).
  • Prep Sir's coffee each night before bed.
  • Go to gym every day, unless closed or work schedule prevents it.
  • Take vitamins every day.
  • One snack allowed each day. (I have a problem with grazing. I also have hypothyroidism and trouble losing weight. I also really like food.)
  • Add more vegetables and fruits to diet.
  • Make an effort to vary the weekly menu.
  • Weight loss goal: get my BMI to the outer edge of the healthy category. Lose 30 pounds of fat, as per the gym device that measures fat.
  • Go through all weekly ads to find best prices on food for the week.
  • Buy lunch out at work no more than once per week. PLAN AHEAD!
  • Go through weekly coupons and remember to use them.
  • Keep the checkbook updated.
  • Remember to floss/use mouthwash.
  • Shave/trim as needed.
  • Wear skirts more often. Start at once a week.
  • Get up with Sir on days I work and make us a good breakfast.
  • Continue learning about D/s and be more open with Sir about what I want/think he would enjoy.

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