Awakening my inner submissive

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


My gifts from Sir arrived in the mail the other day. One pink butt plug and one ben wa ball. The butt plug is VERY nice--It is a Doc Johnson one with a sort of handle and narrowed end that leads to the it will stay in. Which it does. Sir told me I could try one of them out last night, but only one. I chose the butt plug. I put it in and walked around, shocked that it actually stayed in. He made me go downstairs and then come back upstairs to see if it would stay, and it did. I'm so excited. I think he will make me wear it this weekend when we go shopping.

Tomorrow is skirt day...I am supposed to wear a skirt at least once a week to work and I have been slacking.

Since I seem to need more time to wake up in the morning, I am going to get up half an hour earlier tomorrow morning in the hopes of being awake enough to walk on the treadmill. I will also be bringing my ipod to work so that I can listen to music on my breaks and walk around outside, if it is nice. If not, I can walk around the corridors of the office. My lower back has been noticeably tighter and feels almost bruised--and I don't think that Sir is to blame. I sit at a desk almost all day, and I think maybe my ass muscles are atrophying or something. I'm going to look up a very SIMPLE (or I won't do it) yoga/stretch sequence for the mornings in the hopes of knocking the back pain out.

Apart from my complete and utter failure to do my damn workouts, I think that things are improving in terms of my submission. I really need to work out on Friday, if all else fails, because otherwise he won't let me wear my ben wa ball to work. Maybe he will join them together and let me wear both of them. That would make for an interesting day.

Gotta get some sleep if I plan on waking up early to get some treadmill time in tomorrow. Working on improving my bedtime ritual as well, and this shit takes time.

Always His,

His Lady Aurora

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Weekend Rush

For the past few weekends, Sir and I have been going through the house, getting rid of things we don't use or want anymore, getting ready to donate old clothes, books, etc, and generally going through everything the house and deciding whether or not we really need to keep it. Every so often, we get the urge to deep clean things.

I think that we could get through the remaining rooms this weekend and just have to get around to dropping off the donation stuff. He made me a list of things he wants me to complete this weekend, including cleaning the bathrooms, going through my closet, and making cookies. We've already finished some other things on the list, like going for a long walk and going shopping. I was supposed to start walking on the treadmill yesterday before work, but when my alarm went off, I was so cozy and warm, snuggled up to Sir, that I didn't want to get up and walk. And then Sir got all handsy, and we ended up having some rather energetic sex instead. But since I didn't walk on the treadmill, like he told me to, I was not allowed to wear my ben wa ball to work.

I don't really think that this is fair, since he was the one who started the sexcapades, but I am trying to be a more obedient sub, so I took the punishment. I really wish that I had sprung for the faster shipping on my recent online purchases, because they would really have been welcomed this weekend.

This morning, Sir gave me a threesome with himself and a butt plug. It was very nice. He likes to fill all of me and tell me what a dirty slut I am for enjoying it. He likes it when I am a dirty slut. I like having the windows open while he makes me moan and squeal. I guess maybe I really AM a dirty slut after all.

Always His,

His Lady Aurora

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Almost Friday...

It is almost Friday...and that means that tomorrow, I get to wear my weekend collar and my ben wa ball to work. Yay!

Sir and I went shopping yesterday in InternetLand. I am spoiled. We ordered a butt plug that is supposed to be wearable under clothes (because he wants me to wear it out in public sometime), and a new, heavier ben wa ball. This new one is heavier than my current one and also can link to the current one and you can wear two at once. I'm looking forward to next week. *insert evil grin*

Sir and I were shopping in a real store last week, and they had a bin of clearance junk. He picked up a tennis ball on a strap for the dog, and threw it into the cart. When we got home and were unloading all the stuff, he playfully smacked my ass with it. Unfortunately, the dog lost her toy because its a very good ass-smacker. She never really saw it though, so I don't think she missed it. :)

Sir has decreed that I will start walking on the treadmill for half an hour in the mornings. This is partially because I have been saying that I would do that for weeks, partially because I know that I need to start being healthier, and partially because I am off my birth control and we are both trying to start making healthier choices. We had a discussion the other day, because Sir thinks that he has been gaining weight since changing jobs and I really want to lose some weight too. According to my BMI, I should weight about 50 pounds less than what I do. I think (and Sir agrees with me) that if I really weighed my optimal BMI weight, I would be creepy, nasty thin. I am happy with having curves, I just want CURVES, not pudge. My personal goal is to get down to a comfortable size 12 and/or maintain my current size in the event that I become pregnant. My current size, for full disclosure, is a 16 or a tight 14. Most of my pants are 14s, but they are so well-worn that they fit on non-bloaty days.

I think that being off my birth control is doing excellent things to my libido and helping my motivation as well. I don't drag quite as much and I feel really excited about getting things done. Maybe my thyroid meds are finally working...or they were reacting with my birth control and not being absorbed as well as they should have been. I'm hypothyroid, in case you haven't read my blog from now to the beginning (lol).

Gotta head to bed if I'm going to be up running marathons in the morning. Wish me luck!

Always His,

His Lady Aurora

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Going shopping...

As I was finishing up dinner this evening, Sir reminded me that we are going shopping tonight. I immediately freaked out, thinking that this was planned and I had forgotten to make the shopping list. Smirking, Sir replied that we would not be going to the grocery store--we will be going to Amazon. Sir is going to order me a new butt plug.

I'm kind of excited, but kind of nervous too. Sir really, really likes playing back there and enjoys making me wear my current butt plug...but the problem is that they are uncomfortable to wear for any amount of time. According to my contract, I am supposed to wear them for an hour on Saturdays and an hour on Sundays. I have been unable to make it past the fifteen minute mark for weeks, and then it just sort of slipped off our list. Along with most of the rest of the list...but things are back on track for now, and I am happy for that.

I'm very excited about Fridays. Fridays mean I get to wear my weekend collar (a different necklace from my usual one), my ben wa ball, and we can stay up late...doing...something....*wink*

Sir is back from his walk--time to go shopping!!

Always His,

His Lady Aurora

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Late Night Tryst

So, Sunday is usually an early night at our house. We stay up later on Friday and Saturday since there is no work to run off to in the morning. Stay up later, get up later, and then Sunday rolls around like a brick wall. This Sunday was no different-dinner, watch a movie, get ready for bed, read for a while. Except for one thing. I had spent the evening on the computer, looking for some new blogs to read after updating my own for the first time in a few months, when I came across someone's blog entry about a threesome. So I read the first part. And the second. And then I was just super horny.

Sir was in the middle of his evening reading when I blurted out that I had read some really interesting stuff online about a threesome. So Sir gets out his tablet to find us some to watch together. After some searching, we ended up with a good one, except that it wasn't a threesome. It was two girls around my age laying in the sunlight on a bed, reading. Then one of the girls starting running her hand along the other one's back, and then they are making out and suddenly they are both topless. I was so turned lady bits were actually THROBBING. They are both topless, kissing, rubbing each other's breasts, sucking, and then the pants come off and they are taking turns making each other orgasm through oral, fingers, and a very nice looking dildo. At this point, Sir is very happy with me because I am sucking him off as I watch, and he is fingering me at the same time. When the video ended, we both attacked each other and suddenly it was nearly midnight.

Needless to say, I apparently really enjoy lesbian porn. Anyone else?

Sir and I have had sex every single day since last Wednesday...and its been fantastic. The weather here has been nice and cool, a little rainy, but very autumnal, and think that has helped us to relax and enjoy each other. I love it.

Still working on the new title-nickname-thing for Sir. Waiting for the lightning to strike.

Always His,

His Lady Aurora

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Gilding the Lily

I've always thought that phrase was interesting. At first glance, it means taking something perfect and beautiful and covering it with something even more precious and beautiful. When you think about it though, you are taking something delicate and vibrant and then slathering it with flaw-hiding metal. The lily underneath will inevitably waste away, leaving you with a hollow shell in the appearance of said lily.

Its been so long since I actively read any kind of blog, and longer since I updated. I considered just deleting this one and starting again, but that would just start the problem again. No one wants to discuss the sucky parts of their relationship, or the things that they fail at. I'll just be honest: Sir and I gradually stopped the D/s without really realizing it. His new job (thank God!!!) gives him much better hours, stable start-end work times, and a tenth of the amount of stress as his previous one. Combining that with the adjustments we were still working through with my new-ish (1 year!) job, and things just changed so much, so fast, that we were operating on fumes for months. Its very strange to suddenly have Sir home in the mornings with me, to be able to have breakfast together, to be able to stay out later, to get up later than 3am.

Looking back, I can see that my submission never really went away completely. I make breakfast and coffee each morning for the two of us. Sir would tell me to take X for lunch (leftovers, remind me to take a snack, etc.), and I would do it. I would make an effort to keep the house clean and usually spent half a day on the weekend doing a more detailed cleaning. And then one Friday afternoon, Sir decided that we should go shopping that night instead of the next morning. He went upstairs for a minute, and called me up to join him. He had laid out one of my skirts and a top on the bed, along with a pair of heels. He told me to go in the bathroom and freshen up, then come out and change into the outfit he had laid out. I did as he asked, feeling a jolt in my stomach at the sudden return of Sir. The excited kind of jolt. I came out of the bathroom and pulled off my shirt and pants, grabbing the skirt. Sir slapped my hand lightly. "I said you wear what is on the bed." I didn't get it. "Do you see underwear on the bed?"

No. No, I did not. So I didn't get to wear underwear. I had to walk around in a very flowy (albeit long) skirt, with NO UNDERWEAR all night. And it was awesome. I had missed this. When we had paid and were walking back to the car, I helped put the stuff in the trunk of our car and was about to push the cart back when Sir took the cart from me. "Stay right there," he said softly. "Feet together." I stood at the end of the car, feet together, as he pushed the cart back and walked to open my door. I remained where I was until he motioned me to get into the car. "Good girl."

On the ride home, he ordered me to flash him my lady bits, which I did. He pulled off into a secluded subdivision and drove slowly through the darkness as he told me to suck him. I had never attempted a car BJ before, but I did it. It's very adrenaline-inducing and I loved it.

Unfortunately, since that weekend of fun, we both caught a cold and some other upheavals. Nothing serious, but it cost us sleep and recuperation time from our colds. On the plus side, I've gone off the birth control pill and I think my sex drive is making up for lost time. I downloaded a period tracker/fertility tracker app for my phone to keep track of things (since we are hoping to have a baby at some point soon), and we have had sex five days in a row. We've been working the D/s thing back into things on a more conscious level, and the little squabbles and annoyances we had been having with the stress of the job changes and work hours have gone away (for the most part). We are happier. Happier with each other, less stressed, more apt to spend time actively with each other, not just watching TV or doing different things on the computer/phones.

Sir calls me P in his texts and notes. P for Possession, P for Princess. I need a better name for him. I feel like Sir is my default, the first title I ever heard in the D/s world. I want something that fits him perfectly, but that I can say with a straight face. I've thought of and dismissed several options. I'll find one the meantime, Sir works fine.

Sir has informed me that he would like me to start preparing for dinner--I slacked off on cooking during our little dry spell too. I've gained about ten pounds since March and that is mostly due to eating garbage and not making ANY effort to eat healthy or get off my butt. I think getting off the pill is helping with my motivation issues as well, because Sir and I went for a long walk yesterday and then I walked on the treadmill this morning.

Here's to a fresh start and keeping things honest. Sometimes we will all slip up and slack off. The important thing is to get back up and kick some ass. Or have your ass spanked, if you like that sort of thing.

Always His,

His Lady Aurora