Awakening my inner submissive

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Weekend Domesticity

Sir and I woke up this morning and realized that the house was an absolute disaster. Not dirty, per se, but just covered in papers and dirty clothes, clean clothes and books, and everything was just generally messed up. So we cleaned and put things away and did laundry, and I folded it all. Pretty boring stuff.

No sexy time for a few days, as I am unavailable. Quite sad about that.

With all this free time, I decided to stop for a while and reassess my life. I stopped going to my therapist a few months ago and I wanted to take some time and think about how I am doing. I decided that the vast majority of things in my life are going very well. The only things that are bringing me down are my weight, my lack of dinner preparations, and my lack of me-time. With those three things in mind, I am creating a plan of attack to solve the problems.

My weight has always been a sore spot with me. As a kid, I would eat whatever I wanted and never gained a pound. I think most people are like that as kids, but I have a suspicion that my thyroid may have played a small part. I have mixed symptoms of hyper (too much) and hypo (not enough) thyroidism, leading me (and my doctor) to think that I may have started off with hyper and then my thyroid sort of burned out and stopped making enough, leading me to my current situation. I could play outside for hours, I played very energy intensive sports in high school, and I always had more than enough energy to spare. I was a morning person, and a night owl. I had to be moving. And then, sometime in college, between the culture shock of not being watched 24/7 by my mom, and the stress of classes, and the massive depression I fell into, I started to pack the weight on. Slowly. When I graduated, I weighed around 150 pounds. Most of that was muscle, and I am only about 5'3''. Not skinny at all, but healthy. By the end of freshman year, I probably weighed around 160. Not enough to really notice. Nothing that wasn't hidden by replacing my high school jeans with new ones that happened to be maybe one size up.

And then I came back home for a year, deciding that I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life, and gained a little more weight. I think my thyroid must have crapped out right after I left College 1, because I started having trouble sleeping, I was always tired, I never had any energy, and I continued to fall slowly into depression.

My weight balanced out as I began to try new foods and discover cooking was something I enjoyed. My mom never really cooked, so I never got to try anything new. That is a whole other story though. Another day, perhaps. So as I started eating better, I began to plateau at my new weight, around 170.

Currently, I weigh around 180, and I am sick of it. My new job, as awesome as it is, involves sitting down. A lot. I'm afraid I'm going to end up gaining more weight, which is completely unacceptable. Which brings us to THE PLAN.

I will not go out to eat while I am at work, unless I am staying late (which only happens 2x a month). I will pack myself a HEALTHY lunch, one HEALTHY snack, and I will continue my hydration habits, which include water or iced tea.

Dinners will be arranged as such: one serving of protein, and two vegetable sides, plus a side salad with vinaigrette if I am super hungry. I will cut out potatoes and non-whole grain pasta out of my life. I will go easy on the carbs. I will plan out dinners AND lunches so that I have no excuses. I will cut down on my alcohol consumption, which is admittedly not a lot, but there are lots of calories in beer and alcohol.

I will exercise. I will walk the dog each day, at least once. I will go out and do cardio on my days off, for at least 45 minutes. It isn't really hot anymore, so that excuse is gone as well.

Hopefully after a few weeks I will have made some progress.

Always his,


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