Awakening my inner submissive

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Lazy Weekends

Sir and I have had a very lazy weekend thus far. He has been very lax in the rules, since I was indisposed ealier this week and am still coming off of being sick. We worked on the laundry, which wasn't nearly as bad as it has been. He offered to fold it all, so that's done. I need to put it all away sometime today, but as he is still sleeping, that will have to wait.

My first for today: First all day gaming session with Sir

We spent the majority of the day yesterday playing games. And not sexy games. Computer/video games. We have never had a gaming session together before, and it was kind of fun. We put on some fun music, Sir got his chair moved to optimal position in front of the TV, and I got myself set up in front of the computer. We made some coffee and played games, talking occasionally...until it was time to meet my parents for dinner. Hours later. It was so much fun.

We also started yesterday off with a good banging session. Sir fingered me until I came, then he pounded me until he came. I love when he just takes me for his own enjoyment. I thoroughly enjoy being used like that, and the rougher, the better.

This morning, I think I am going to head out and get the groceries picked up while he is still sleeping. I caved and went to bed around 11 last night, but I think he came much later. Like 2am. So he won't be up for a while, hopefully.

Sir says today we are going for a walk, since it is supposed to be nice out and we spent the entire day yesterday on our asses. I really need to get better about working out in the mornings and I also need to revamp my chores schedule. Sir saw how much extra work I was doing this week as part of my new contract and offered to wash and fold the laundry on his day off, as long as I put it away the next day...which was very nice of him. He also wants me to start wearing skirts to work more often, since its getting nicer.

Today is the first day in almost 8 years that I will not be taking my scheduled birth control. It feels so strange. Like I am forgetting something. Sir and I are not actively planning to get me pregnant, but we are not trying NOT to either. Que sera, sera. I do have an app that will let me track my periods, since I haven't had to do that in almost a decade. It puts in your period and the duration and then lets you know when you ovulate. Good info to know, I guess.

Overall, I would say that this week has been a huge success in terms of my service. The house has been cleaner, Sir has been happier, and the weekend was able to be squandered however we saw fit. Plus I got to wear my collar, which I love. Someone commented on it at dinner last night and it was all I could do not to blush and grin.

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