Awakening my inner submissive

Thursday, April 3, 2014

April Firsts-Sexy Time

This month, I am going to share my FIRSTS with you. Feel free to play along and to give suggestions for my next entries. I couldn't think of anything to write and I couldn't find any good prompts--so I made one up. Enjoy. They may or may not be related to D/s. But I couldn't resist for this first FIRST. :)

First time having sex:

Sir is my one and only sexual partner. I feel like I am in the minority with this one--marrying the first person you sleep with. Sir and I have known each other for years though, and we eventually decided that not having sex was doing more harm than good to our relationship. We were engaged. Sir was not a virgin, but I was. After months of talking about it, and weeks of seriously considering it, the circumstances fell into place for us and we took full advantage of it. A freak snow storm meant that we had to leave to go back to university a day earlier than planned. A day earlier than the dorms opened. A night where we would have to stay SOMEWHERE.

A hotel. By ourselves.

Granted, we had been living on campus in same building for a year, but we both had roommates. Getting walked in on was not how I wanted my first time to be.

So we drove back together, neither of us really talking about it, but feeling that we were finally going to do it. Sir stopped in town to do some last-minute shopping, and I had the feeling that we were finally going to do it. I bought a pretty teddy that split down the middle and a thong, and when I came back (different stores in one area), Sir had gotten some champagne, some dessert, and a box of condoms. He was the one who finally brought it up, showing me the box and saying that we didn't have to unless I wanted to.

I wanted to.

We went out to a nice dinner at our favorite local place, put the car in the parking garage to keep the snow off of it, and went back to the hotel to ride out the storm.

We opened the champagne, had a little dessert, and then started making out. Sir didn't know that I had bought the teddy, so when it became painfully obvious that we were going to do it, I excused myself to the bathroom to freshen up and change.

I came out to find that Sir had put on some light music, turned the lights off, and opened the curtains, revealing the start of a blizzard outside. He turned, saw me, and smiled.

The rest of the night is a happy blur. I remember his moan when he entered me the first time. I remember his gasps of passion and my own voice mixing with his. I remember that he broke one of the condoms because he was thrusting so hard into me. I was on birth control, so we didn't get too worried about it. I remember falling asleep next to him. And being woken up for rounds two, three, and four. And I remember that when he finally got his own room, I slept next to him for the rest of the year.

My challenge to anyone who made it this far: tell me about YOUR first time.

Always his,


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