Awakening my inner submissive

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Weekend Ennui

Sir and I have been talking about getting me a new car for months. We finally went to the dealer today to see what kind of money we would be talking about and I test drove the car I like. Its pretty nice. We spent almost three hours at the place but decided to pass for now because they won't give us what we want for a trade-in on my car. We'd be better off selling it to someone else vs the dealership.

I came home yesterday in a great mood. Sir got me an audiobook to listen to in the car on the way home, and I was in a great mood anyway because I GOT PROMOTED yesterday. The new job is going to be a lot of stress and not a huge bump in pay, but I think its pretty good that I haven't hit my 6 months with them yet and I got promoted. Plus a raise is a raise. We went out to lunch today to celebrate after we hit the car dealer, which was nice. We have been trying to cut down on eating out so much, but this was a special occasion.

I'm a little worried about how Sir is going to take this though, in the long term. He's obviously happy and proud of me, but since he still hasn't heard back from either of his interviews, I'm not sure if his positivity will last. He feels like I don't really need him anymore, which I have told him is idiotic. I just really hope and wish that he gets a new job that makes him happy. And SOON.

In other news, Sir and I had some long overdue sexy time this morning. It was fabulous. And since we are roughly one month away from me going off my birth control pills, I feel like I really need a swift kick in the ass to get working on my health goals.

Off for a movie and a snuggle.

His Lady

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