Awakening my inner submissive

Monday, January 13, 2014

Shifting Dynamics

Since the New Year, Sir has been very relectant to initiate or participate in sexy time. Which makes me very sad. He is stressed at work, has been trying to find something else for months, and my work schedule has been keeping us apart far more than we are accustomed to. I'm actually thinking of asking to go back to my original schedule of Monday through Friday because it will give me the same amount of hours but they are spread out over an extra day. I would go in later (allowing more time for me to work out and shower before I go to work) and come home earlier (allowing more time to see Sir and get a decent dinner ready).

Sir and I have also pretty much unofficially "given up" on our Dom/sub arrangement for the moment. We naturally fall into that setup anyway, but I am wondering if I am putting too much thought and effort into it. I tend to overdo things and Sir has mentioned a few times that he feels like I am always pushing him to have sexy time. I think it is because I am actually happy at work and I'm making more money than at Helljob, so my general self-satisfaction is much higher than his right now. Our situation has been reversed over the years, where he wanted nothing but sex all the time, and I see now why he was so frustrated with me all the time.

For right now, I think we have unofficially suspended our formal D/s arrangement. This was a 4 day weekend and I didn't do any of the things in the contract Sir made me a few months ago. He didn't bring it up and I didn't realize I had forgotten it until Sunday. We think we have grown apart over the last few weeks, so we are going to work on getting back to normal. Who knows--maybe the D/s things will fall back into place.

I'm taking a break from the blog for right now. I love reading everyone else's blogs, so I'll go back to being a lurker for a while.

Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2014.

Always His,

His Lady Aurora

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